ServerWMC updates failing - PVR Pervice Error
ServerWMC stopped working today after years of reliable service.

On the Update Tab  ---  Error: The request was aborted.  Could not create SSL/TLS Secure Channel. - HTTPS://

On the Folders Tab --- Unclicked "Use Credentials on smb://paths (Kodi Clients) and I am now able to watch TV but still get the error on updates.

Please advise.


(2018-05-14, 22:46)garya Wrote: Unclicked "Use Credentials on smb://paths (Kodi Clients)
Very likely that this will circumvent the use of SMBv2, meaning you are back to using SMBv1, which is not the most secure solution when you remember what the WannaCry outbreak did.

Also, your link to HTTPS:// gives a 404 error.
The auto update deal broke when github changed their security.  If you manually install the newest serverwmc preview version it fixes this and gets autoupdate going again.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
(2018-05-15, 05:25)krustyreturns Wrote: The auto update deal broke when github changed their security.  If you manually install the newest serverwmc preview version it fixes this and gets autoupdate going again.
 Thanks Krusty,

That took care of the problem

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ServerWMC updates failing - PVR Pervice Error0