Adding to Kodi library from SD itself?
Hey all - potentially stupid question, but finally got a raspberry pi with Kodi up and running. I have a number of music files I would like to be able to store on the same SD card from which kodi runs, as there is ample space. However, I am having difficulty doing this - If I want to do this, where should I place the files on the SD card, and how should I add them to the library inside Kodi? It should be simple, but I'm going in circles a little here....
It's unclear which OS you have running on your Raspberry Pi, as Kodi is only an application. For example, LibreELEC has a /storage/music folder by default.

Adding a video/music source is no different when the files are stored locally. Kodi simply needs to know where the files are.
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Adding to Kodi library from SD itself?0