tinyMediaManagerCMD best command line switches?
I would like to be able to load TV shows as I get them into their season folder and have them scrapped and renamed as I have setup in TMM.  I am experimenting with tinyMediaManagerCMD and tried

-updateTV -updateMovies -scrapenew -rename

This didn't do much other than show a bunch of progress on the screen.  The new series episodes never got scrapped or renamed.

I'd also like to have any movies that I add to the scanned folder scraped and renamed as well.

Can someone help me with a switch setting that might accomplish this?   Do I just run this every 10 minutes or is there a different way to have it automated?

works for me.
New episode found, and scraped...

Can you upload the log to some pastebin site?
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?
I'll try again.  Thanks

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