Warped sound
In the last year I've noticed subtle sound warping (the sounds wavers between flat and sharp for a second) while watching videos with Kodi. This is particularly distracting when music is playing (stringed instruments)...
  these are usually the dramatic moments so the distraction is annoying.

Could anybody give me a hint at a possible solution?
Perhaps you can start with mentioning on what kind of hardware you have Kodi running on... Our crystal ball is currently unavailable. Cool
To receive meaningful assistance you will need to provide a full debug log.

The instructions are here... debug log (wiki)

If you are using the Basic Method, then ensure the following is applied...
1.Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging,
2.Restart Kodi
3.Replicate the problem.
4.Upload the log to Kodi Paste Site manually or use the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the link to the log back here.

If you are using the Advanced Method ensure you have correctly created and applied the advancedsettings.xml file (wiki)

In both instances, you should see the word DEBUG throughout the log.

Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
Do NOT post your logs directly into the forum. Use the Kodi Paste Site. Post the link to your pasted log in the forum
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Links to : Official:Forum rules (wiki) | Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons (wiki) | Debug Log (wiki)
Links to : HOW-TO:Create Music Library (wiki) | HOW-TO:Create_Video_Library (wiki)  ||  Artwork (wiki) | Basic controls (wiki) | Import-export library (wiki) | Movie sets (wiki) | Movie universe (wiki) | NFO files (wiki) | Quick start guide (wiki)


Thank you folks.
I'll move you to Linux forum
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Links to : Official:Forum rules (wiki) | Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons (wiki) | Debug Log (wiki)
Links to : HOW-TO:Create Music Library (wiki) | HOW-TO:Create_Video_Library (wiki)  ||  Artwork (wiki) | Basic controls (wiki) | Import-export library (wiki) | Movie sets (wiki) | Movie universe (wiki) | NFO files (wiki) | Quick start guide (wiki)
The forum moderators have determined that banned addons (wiki) are present on your system. To receive assistance here, these banned items must be removed. If a clean log is not submitted within 3 days, then the relevant post(s) will be removed after this time.
I've removed the addons...
  is this better?


Thanks for the help.
(2018-11-12, 10:40)kswenson Wrote: I've removed the addons...
Nope, you haven't.

Check the orange colors in your own log file.
00:05:30.259 T:140538820678848 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in plugin.video.phstreams has been installed.'
00:05:30.273 T:140538820678848 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xbmchub

Stuff like that.
I believe things are better now?


That is the same log with some of the offending lines removed. That is not what we want.

If you require assistance from us, then your Kodi must be cleaned and free from any item that breaches our policies.

Try again.
My Signature
Links to : Official:Forum rules (wiki) | Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons (wiki) | Debug Log (wiki)
Links to : HOW-TO:Create Music Library (wiki) | HOW-TO:Create_Video_Library (wiki)  ||  Artwork (wiki) | Basic controls (wiki) | Import-export library (wiki) | Movie sets (wiki) | Movie universe (wiki) | NFO files (wiki) | Quick start guide (wiki)
Turn off:

Quote:00:05:39.572 T:140537398200064 DEBUG: CVideoSyncDRM::Setup - setting up DRM
00:05:39.572 T:140537398200064 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Detected refreshrate: 59.963 hertz

This one might interfer especially when stream underruns or new streams start. Especially for classical music it's hearable. So: Does it get better if you disable Sync Playback to Display?
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
And btw:
Quote:00:05:30.197 T:140538820678848 NOTICE: Starting Kodi (17.6 Git:20121104-a9a7a20). Platform: Linux x86 64-bit

Upgrade to v18 beta5 or later -> v17 had known issues and none of them is going to be fixed anymore with v18 very near ...
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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