Ryzen 2400G + Ubuntu 18.10 + Kodi 18, almost perfect
I'd say today was the most fun I've had with my new HTPC since building it.  I was able to get Ubuntu 18.10 running on the 4.19.9 kernel, got Kodi 18 installed via PPA, and everything has been rock solid so far.  Setting Brightness to 52 and Contrast to 49 in Kodi gave nice test results for black/white clipping.

The coolest thing was finding a workaround for not having MVC support.  When I first got this projector, I was bummed that only Windows and PowerDVD seemed to support 3D, and it gave me a headache in short order when I tried to use it.  The 3D effect also wasn't very good.   But after finding BD3D2MK3D, I was able to demux my 3D Blu Ray movies and re-encode to SBS format, and manually set the projector to 3D mode.  And despite the drop in horizontal resolution vs MVC, I was able to comfortably watch a whole movie with no ill effects, and the pop-out is great!

The only thing I need to figure out, is how to get the projector to switch over to 3D automatically.  It did with PowerDVD, but it won't on the new system with Linux.  And while Youtube also works in 3D SBS, it's really tricky to use the interface because you have to shut one eye or the other to see either side of the control bar.

I also don't know how to set 10 bit color in Ubuntu.  I know it's not really necessary, but the projector can handle 10 bit color and I'd like to take advantage of it.
10 bit color is not yet supported by mesa. It's currently being worked on and first patches have surfaced.

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Ryzen 2400G + Ubuntu 18.10 + Kodi 18, almost perfect0