v18 I can't add internal harddrive path on New Kodi 18

Please hellp. Kodi 18 installed automatically yesterday and went back to it's default setting with my entire library gone. I tried to add my internal drive D: as a source but the new Kodi doesnt seem to locate it. I did export my my library sometime last week as backup however I cannot seem to be able to retrieve it within Kodi because the software wont locate any of my computer drives. 

Can someone help?
See https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=339891
Thread moved to Windows.

Don't use the UWP version on desktop Windows 10 - use the normal exe version instead (as detailed in the link above). UWP doesn't allow local drive access, a restriction imposed by MS.
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Same happned to me, it auto updated and I lost my presets/settings.
See the thread linked above.
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I can't add internal harddrive path on New Kodi 180