Info button on remote for Kodi Krypton or Leia
Hi, guys.
I'm just wondering if there is a way to activate the info button ('O' button if you use the keyboard) on the remote I got with my Android box.
Way back on Kodi 16 I just pressed the info button and it would display resolution, codec info, CPU usage etc.
From Kodi 17 onwards, when I press the info button, it's the same as if I pressed OK, it just brings up the track with playback options.

Is there some sort of add-on or setting where I can make it so that the 'Info' button on my remote control has the same function as 'O' button on the keyboard?
I have it done with the Keymap Editor addon

You have to open the addon and assign a key to Global->Other->Show Codec Info

Thank you. Works great.

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Info button on remote for Kodi Krypton or Leia1