v18 xbox 360 controller in kodi 18
I'm running Kodi 18 on a raspberry pi with stock raspbian. I'm trying to add a knock-off xbox 360 controller and raspbian installed it automatically with the xpad driver and I see it registering on /dev/input/js0. When I try to map its buttons in kodi there is no response. In older threads I've seen it recommended to install kodi-peripheral-joystick to try and fix this. However, on rasbpian a sudo apt-get install kodi-peripheral-joystick also pulls in libkodiplatform17. This doesn't seem right since I'm on v18. Should I go ahead, or have things changed with Leia?
libkodiplatform17 is the latest one, that is normal. And yes, you have to install "kodi-peripheral-joystick" for joystick support.

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xbox 360 controller in kodi 180