WIP New add-on: ListenBrainz
Hi there.

I've got a problem here Wink

Still using Leia (reasons) and installed latest leia version (0.2.1). It works nicely, if the path of the file playing does not contain an "Umlaut" (äöü, etc.). If it does, like "Die Ärzte" or the path contains an Umlaut, like (/mp3/Härter/Sodom), I get:
File "/home/uatschitchun/.kodi/addons/service.listenbrainz/listener.py", line 231, in onPlayBackStarted
File "/home/uatschitchun/.kodi/addons/service.listenbrainz/listener.py", line 273, in _get_listen
File "/home/uatschitchun/.kodi/addons/service.listenbrainz/utils.py", line 220, in __init__
File "/home/uatschitchun/.kodi/addons/service.listenbrainz/utils.py", line 270, in get_metadata_from_kodi_tags

in kodi.log. Noticed this cause songs weren't logged to listenbrainz.
Is there anything easy & simple I can do/add/change in utils.py or elsewhere to make this work?
is this still working on Nexus?

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New add-on: ListenBrainz0