Unable to install iptv simple client

after upgrading kodi to 18.1 leia (on a raspberry 3), iptv simple client is not working anymore, finally I decided to reinstall kodi from command line but:

- PVR clients are not present in kodi repository and not installed at all
- when i try to install from zip file I get this error:

2019-03-30 12:26:13.983 T:1899670800 ERROR: Failed to read 'zip://%2fhome%2fpi%2fpvr.iptvsimple-master.zip/pvr.iptvsimple-master/addon.xml'
no more errors from debug

No more info by activating debug.
I downloaded the zip file from https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.iptvsimple

Any advice?
(2019-03-30, 13:47)stokks Wrote: Any advice?
Post a full debug log.
(2019-03-30, 13:51)trogggy Wrote:
(2019-03-30, 13:47)stokks Wrote: Any advice?
Post a full debug log. 
Is there anything more than activating debug in kodi menu? because it is the only error detected (failed to read...)

Anyway I don't know how but I tried to install another addon from zip and, after installing it, IPTV client MAGICALLY appeared.... really really weird
There are other options for debugging, but it's not just about seeing error messages.  For example looking at the log gives hardware, os, version, addons.  Posting a full log is a prerequisite for support.
(2019-04-01, 21:32)trogggy Wrote: There are other options for debugging, but it's not just about seeing error messages.  For example looking at the log gives hardware, os, version, addons.  Posting a full log is a prerequisite for support.
You mean messages file?
Sorry, I have no idea what you mean by that.
(2019-04-02, 15:13)trogggy Wrote: Sorry, I have no idea what you mean by that.
I mean, what logs can there be more than the kodi log to check this issue?
(2019-04-05, 11:59)stokks Wrote:
(2019-04-02, 15:13)trogggy Wrote: Sorry, I have no idea what you mean by that.
I mean, what logs can there be more than the kodi log to check this issue? 
I have no idea.  If you'd included a debug log anyone reading it could see what distro you were running on your rpi3, so they'd be able to tell you that.
That's one good reason for submitting a debug log as a matter of course with every help request.

I am new to Kodi and IPTV streaming so forgive me for my ignorance. I am using Kodi 17.6 on android TV box and am trying to configure Kodi for IPTV streaming.

I also am having trouble finding PVR IPTV simple client, when I am in settings - PVR and Live TV - addon required - there is no PVR client folder to choose from. Do I need to install addon for this ? If so, which one ? Really appreciate any help, thanks..

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Unable to install iptv simple client0