Hi guys.
im a old user of kodi/xbmc.
Since kodi Eden i always installed xbmcbuntu or kodibuntu later. After it was 14.0 and upgrade to newest ver.
But now i have change my harware and kodibuntu 14.0 wan't install becouse of graphics drivers.
I've tried to install ubuntu and kodi on it, its works but how to setup to start kodi automaticly like kodibuntu?
i dont want to run ubuntu then kodi.
thank you for help.
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After the installation of Kodi in Ubuntu (which one, which version?), you should have an entry in the login section for Ubuntu.
You can select that item, log in, and Ubuntu should autostart.
Hello! Been in the same boat as you, I absolutely relied on xbmc and then kodibuntu, but the dropping of support did force me to learn an absolute tonne!

Are you wanting to use a full ubuntu desktop or just want a kodibuntu type effect of an os seamlessly booting into Kodi?
(2019-06-16, 12:59)perla Wrote: i dont want to run ubuntu then kodi.
What sort of hardware, and graphics card specifically, are we talking about?
Perhaps a Kodi solution with LibreELEC is more suitable.
Hi again. thx for answers. I have (had) since years a desktop with kodibuntu. turn on and got acces to kodi, without any logins, or go througt ubuntu-->kodi. This way is easiest for me and i would like to get it back.
Just boot into kodi.
I tried to install kodibuntu 14.0 like always, but i getting message that something is wrong with a graphic. I using Intel UHD graphic on i3-8100 so it should work, but it doesnt.
So i think there are two option, fix problem with graphic or set up ubuntu to start kodi automaticly.
my ubuntu is newest ver. 18.4.
As has been asked before, to give you proper guidance we need to know if you only ever use Kodi on the pc you have it installed on? or whether you need access to a Ubuntu desktop environment or similar to run other applications? if you don't need a desktop environment then as already mention LibreElec is your best bet.
i've change whole pc to a brand new one. motherboard, RAM, CPU. what i need is booting KODI on ubuntu/debian based system. it has to be linux.
I need to have exactly kodi on linux like was before in kodibuntu. i have a few thinks i need to install on linux system, i dont need any graphic ubuntu environment, just acces to terminal.
booting KODI, usung KODI, if need ctrl+alt+F1 have a terminal or log in by ssh.
i dont knew how to explain it in better way Smile
thx for ur help
i reading about LibreElec, but im not sure i can use on it thinks like: apache, php, samba, proftpd, and many others for ubuntu/debian?
Soooo when I couldn't use kodibuntu anymore I explored a few options

Xbian, librelec, openelec, but none gave me what I wanted which was a learning experience 'under the hood' of Ubuntu.

What I wanted was a non (or invisible) GUI Ubuntu booting straight into Kodi

I'd just started to feel more familiar with the command line and wanted to further this learning so I started to trawl through the Kodi forums. You can do this yourself.

What I ended up doing was installing Ubuntu server with just 'ssh' enabled of the optional packages. Once I had the terminal operational on a 'minimal' install I could add what I wanted and in the end I figured out how to get a similar experience to kodibuntu.

Let me know if you want to research yourself, if not I'm happy to share my log of the commands I used and you can figure it out from there?

but if we are talking about intel hardware, this how-to should do it:
solved but im really dissapointed of that.
i've biult a server with debian on, plus extra desktop with libreelec for my mediacenter (two towers).
but i really sad that something like kodibuntu what was worked really perfect and was so easy to use (install  and use) now its so complicated.
anyway thank you for help.
It's not complicated if you have followed the how-to above step by step.

anyway....thread marked solved

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