Release Kodi 18.4 Leia - Released!

Another couple of months have passed since we last pushed out a release, and so, in our ongoing efforts to produce the best media software in the world, it's time to squash another few of those more irritating bugs. Usual rules apply: don't expect any new features, don't think that this will change your life, it won't make you richer or more attractive, but it will hopefully be more stable and usable for people who've been victims of any of these bugs.

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(2019-09-02, 14:00)ronie Wrote: Image

Another couple of months have passed since we last pushed out a release, and so, in our ongoing efforts to produce the best media software in the world, it's time to squash another few of those more irritating bugs. Usual rules apply: don't expect any new features, don't think that this will change your life, it won't make you richer or more attractive, but it will hopefully be more stable and usable for people who've been victims of any of these bugs.


This is awesome to see Kodi is updated.   Blush  Blush  Love 
I'm more waiting for version 19 and the main reason is to have that option to store multiple versions of a movie "in library".
Download links (Windows 32/64-bit) are broken as of 2 minutes ago.
"Web Site Not Found"

Thanks for the heads-up. Looking into it.

Are you using Firefox?
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When is Xbox getting 18.4? 18.3 added several annoying bugs I'm hoping are fixed.

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Kodi 18.4 Leia - Released!0