Audio delay
its the one feature i've been waiting for! thanks for putting it in Smile

..but how to i actually enable it? the description is a bit vague.

Quote:(11-10-03 added: subtitle delay & audio delay actions (can b activated by mapping a key to the action in keymap.xml)

what should i actually put in my keymap.xml? i couldnt find any reference to audio delay at all Sad


you need to add a new <action> tag set to keymap.xml under the fullscreen video <window>.

the action id's are defined in guilib/key.h:

#define action_subtitle_delay_min 52
#define action_subtitle_delay_plus 53
#define action_audio_delay_min 54
#define action_audio_delay_plus 55

use the appropriate number above in the <id> tag.

use whatever key you want to map for this, as in the other tags. make sure you use a unique key, though. each key must have a unique action associated with it.

i'm sure by looking at keymap.xml and the file referenced above (you can view it online via the sourceforge cvs web interface) you'll figure it out.

once the action list is a bit more stabilised, it'll be published in a more obvious way.
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thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

this feature is great.

i added the following in to configure button 7 and 9.

<description>audio minus</description>
<description>audio plus</description>

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Audio delay0