Importing Videos/Movies/TV Series from WMC
As a new Kodi user coming from Windows 7 WMC (where videos/movies/tv series were all saved to one "Recorded TV" folder), Kodi appears to have some very specific requirements about the way the files in these distinct media classes are named and the source sub-folders they are stored in, in order to allow information and artwork to be retrieved from third party sites.

Naming_video_files (wiki)

Is there a Kodi plug-in or some other tool/method that can assist in the renaming of WMC files and the restructuring of files into media class sub-folders? Or does this all have to be done manually? We have nearly 1,200 .wtv files to sort out!

The closest thing I have found so far is the MediaPortal 1 "WTV Organizer" plug-in, however this obviously requires installing MediaPortal 1 and pre-processing the files there first before importing into Kodi. And I am not convinced Kodi will require the same filename formatting anyway.

Any ideas?
try mediacentermaster
Smooth, powerful interface to organize your media collection.

Support dozens of the most popular external metadata formats.

Movies, television, and adult title search from a variety of configurable meta data sources.
(2019-11-04, 15:45)the_other_guy Wrote: try mediacentermaster
Smooth, powerful interface to organize your media collection.

Support dozens of the most popular external metadata formats.

Movies, television, and adult title search from a variety of configurable meta data sources.
Would this be used to perform a one-off exercise, to re-organise and rename the .wtv files? Or would it need to remain in place? Does Kodi not name and organise files in the required way as and when it records them from live TV?

Would prefer not to have to install an additional third-party tool if possible (already had to install both MediaPortal 2 (Server) and Kodi just to get anywhere close to replacing WMC). Does anyone please have any PowerShell scripts or some other tool that would perform a one-time re-organisation of WMC media to adhere to the Kodi best practices/requirements?
(2019-11-04, 16:57)Jimixter Wrote:
(2019-11-04, 15:45)the_other_guy Wrote: try mediacentermaster
Smooth, powerful interface to organize your media collection.

Support dozens of the most popular external metadata formats.

Movies, television, and adult title search from a variety of configurable meta data sources.
Would this be used to perform a one-off exercise, to re-organise and rename the .wtv files? Or would it need to remain in place? Does Kodi not name and organise files in the required way as and when it records them from live TV?

Would prefer not to have to install an additional third-party tool if possible (already had to install both MediaPortal 2 (Server) and Kodi just to get anywhere close to replacing WMC). Does anyone please have any PowerShell scripts or some other tool that would perform a one-time re-organisation of WMC media to adhere to the Kodi best practices/requirements? 
It also begs the question why WMC is able to seamlessly differentiate between TV series and Movie files contained within the same folder and retrieve/display the corresponding artwork, but why Kodi requires very careful file management and organisation to achieve the same result?
I think Kodi just treats wtv files as type "DVR" or "LiveTV" which is pretty much a distinct category from "movies" or "TV Shows".  These files have TV guide data associated with them rather than scraper data.

scott s.

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Importing Videos/Movies/TV Series from WMC0