XBMC - Live Version on CF? How to fit on 2GB
I have searched the forum trying to find out if it's possible to get XBMC working on a box with a 2GB CF card. I know the CF Card is bootable, via CF-SATA adapter, but reading the minimum requirements for Ubuntu, looks like I needed a 4GB! But then, I see the live version, which I cannot get to work with my hardware for whatever reason. I have Ubuntu Hardy/XBMC working on a box with a 60GB SATA card, but I am trying to make a 0db system, and want to eliminate the moving parts.

Any suggestions, other than get a 16GB CF card?? Wink

Oh, and yes, I am a Linux N00b, but hooked on XBMC and it's future potential. I needed a silent box for my bedroom, already have a Vista Media Center in the family room, but do not like the limitations of the Vista Media Center Extenders. XBMC is the way to go, but at the end of the day, solution needs to be as slim/silent as the extender.
Might wanna look at the disk requirements for Ubuntu server edition. Mind you will still need to install X and plenty of other deps. Not to mention you will need to do everything from the console. I guess it's a matter of how ambitious and willing to jump into linux you are.
4GB min for any Ubuntu with X11 besides the LiveUSB stuff. Special tricks going on in LiveUSB (squashfs games).
I just format the usb disk in ext3 filesystem, installed command line system, added xorg by manual and ati driver, then clean xserver-xorg-xxxx and installed the xbmc(deb version), at last cleaned the cache, it used my usb disk just 9xx MB.
Hey, thanks all...

Kazuyuki, your method sounds great. I understand the XBMC forum is not necessarily the place for me to ask for a how to as my Linux experience is limited to say the least. I would ask, however, if someone can point me to some guides on the steps in that process?

I went to x.org, and understand X11R7.3 is the latest official release. I'm currently looking HERE to undestand how to install it.

What about installing DSL (Damn Small Linux), and XBMC on top of that? Otherwise, I am very interested in the steps Kazuyuki took.
I've also installed ubuntu straight to usb.. it usually gives me probs at first booting correctly and boot times are too high for me...
InDashMP3 Wrote:Hey, thanks all...

Kazuyuki, your method sounds great. I understand the XBMC forum is not necessarily the place for me to ask for a how to as my Linux experience is limited to say the least. I would ask, however, if someone can point me to some guides on the steps in that process?

I went to x.org, and understand X11R7.3 is the latest official release. I'm currently looking HERE to undestand how to install it.

What about installing DSL (Damn Small Linux), and XBMC on top of that? Otherwise, I am very interested in the steps Kazuyuki took.

Sorry I just install ubuntu 8.04 in a usb disk. It can resolve the relationship of packages, I think. I my 9xxMb's udisk, I also installed "synaptic" to manage the packages. If not, It can save me more space(it installed lot's of libs about gtk and so on).
Why not boot XBMC LiveUSB on a USB flash memory key instead? Does you motherboard not support booting to USB? (if it does then a 512MB is enough but a 1GB, 2GB, or 4GB will let you fit more skins and large databases/thumbnails), see: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=32853

If you want to install a small Ubuntu version yourself then checkout Ubuntu Mobile:
Ubuntu Mobile is what XBMC LiveUSB uses http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=32853
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Gamester17 Wrote:Why not boot XBMC LiveUSB on a USB flash memory key instead? Does you motherboard not support booting to USB? (if it does then a 512MB is enough but a 1GB, 2GB, or 4GB will let you fit more skins and large databases/thumbnails), see: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=32853

If you want to install a small Ubuntu version yourself then checkout Ubuntu Mobile:
Ubuntu Mobile is what XBMC LiveUSB uses http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=32853

It seems that XBMCLive can not use ati video card.
True, but in August V3 will be out - it's ready but I was not able to relese it before going on vacation... - and ATI/AMD is supported via Catalyst 8.6 (among other things!)

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XBMC - Live Version on CF? How to fit on 2GB0