Bug Kodi v18 on FireTV not acting as expected in a couple of ways
Kodi v18.4 on a 3rd Gen Fire TV (not a stick, but the diamond shaped pendant Fire TV) has a couple of issues for me.  I thought that by updating to v18.5 that things might be fixed but they persist.

1: I have Kodi set to show information when in click on a movie, yet it keeps playing the file instead.

2: If i right-click on a file and force it to show me the information, the "refresh" button is missing, so I'm unable to correct things when the scraper pulls the wrong movie.  And since the refresh button is also the place where I can see the filename, I'm unable to verify 100% that the scraper has pulled the correct info, since I have no idea what the filename is on the entry.

Possible pertinent information:

I'm running a MySQL v8.0 shared database on a Windows 10 x64 machine.  Kodi on this machine works fine as far as I can tell.  This is the machine that I use to add new movies to the database, but I rarely watch things here.  That's why it's important to get the FireTV working correctly.  The shared database is working fine.

When I upgraded to Kodi v18.5, I uninstalled Kodi completely from the FireTV.  I didn't want the bug to transfer to v18.5 from 18.4.

The only plugins that I have installed are Trakt.tv (for tracking and rating) and YouTube (for trailers).

Thank you.
1) Ok, this might be related to your missing 'refresh button'
2) looks like your missing refresh button is causing other issues.

FireTV is running a proprietary version of Android, there is the possibility the install was faulty (given the missing button in the default skin suggests that). Although Trakt.tv has it's place, it's sometimes intensive and suggest not using it until we have a solid stable Kodi. After you have deleted the present installation follow this HOW-TO:Install Kodi on Fire TV (wiki) and delete the archive after you install it (space is at a premium), check the functionality of the vanilla Kodi installation before you add shares/MySQL if needed play one small local video in file mode to ensure play-ability, then delete it. My suspicion is you are taxing minimal hardware to the point it's no longer responsive and running short of memory.
(2020-01-08, 08:36)PatK Wrote: 1) Ok, this might be related to your missing 'refresh button'
2) looks like your missing refresh button is causing other issues.

FireTV is running a proprietary version of Android, there is the possibility the install was faulty (given the missing button in the default skin suggests that). Although Trakt.tv has it's place, it's sometimes intensive and suggest not using it until we have a solid stable Kodi. After you have deleted the present installation follow this HOW-TO:Install Kodi on Fire TV (wiki) and delete the archive after you install it (space is at a premium), check the functionality of the vanilla Kodi installation before you add shares/MySQL if needed play one small local video in file mode to ensure play-ability, then delete it. My suspicion is you are taxing minimal hardware to the point it's no longer responsive and running short of memory.

Sorry this took so long, but I finally got a chance to reinstall Kodi.  Here's what I found:

Upon doing a fresh installation of Kodi, I added a couple of folders manually from my SMB shares, without going through mySQL.  Everything works great.  The problem of the option to show info instead of play when i click a movie not working as expected was completely resolved.

The next thing I did was push my advancedsettings.xml file to the userdata folder so I can use my shared database.

Now every movie i click on automatically plays even though I have it set to show information.  Also, if I manually go in and look at the Information of a movie, the Refresh button is missing and therefore I can't even see where the file is located (since it only shows me that information when I hover over the refresh button).

The problem is obviously with my SQL database somehow.  Or maybe with the advancedsettings.xml file that I'm using.  Here are the contents of my advancedsettings.xml file:

<token separators="">&quot;</token>

Now, I made this to be used with Kodi v16.1 and it worked great.  Maybe something has changed in Kodi so that one of my sort tokens is causing an error or something now?  If there's nothing wrong with my advancedsettings.xml then I'm not really sure what to do with the MySQL server to correct this problem.  I'm using MySQL 8.0.

EDIT: I just realized that the TV shows are working as they should.  When I click on an episode it brings up the information window instead of automatically playing the episode.  And the refresh button is there on TV shows as well.  It seems that only my movies are having a problem with this.  Could it be because I have 3156 movies?  I'm not sure when this all started, but I haven't added that many movies in the past several months.  I'm going to see if I can get a logfile to figure out what is going on behind the scenes.

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Kodi v18 on FireTV not acting as expected in a couple of ways0