Kodi hang un when searching subtitles

When I try to download subtitles, none service finish and just display de text "Searching subtitles" for ever.
'm using Subdivx, Opensubitiles and BSPlayer addons with the same result.
I'm on Windows 10 x64, Leia 18.6, running Emby server on the same computer with native folders.

Here is my log:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zPvYj5dFKK/

Any help please ?
(2020-04-02, 01:38)thegringo Wrote: Any help please ?
No because piracy.
The forum moderators have determined that banned addons (wiki) are present on your system. To receive assistance here, these banned items must be removed. If a clean log is not submitted within 3 days, then the relevant post(s) will be removed after this time.
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(2020-04-02, 03:14)Karellen Wrote: The forum moderators have determined that banned addons (wiki) are present on your system. To receive assistance here, these banned items must be removed. If a clean log is not submitted within 3 days, then the relevant post(s) will be removed after this time.


Which addons in my system and appear in my log are considered like piracy?
I think that uRepo repository was one that I found here ... I don't know even what was there, apologies.
Now it was uninstalled, should I look for any other?

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(2020-04-02, 06:36)thegringo Wrote: Now it was uninstalled, should I look for any other?

Look for the 3 orange colored entries: https://paste.kodi.tv/xazikopato.kodi

Well, now I think that I'm clean.

So, any help please?
For now I only see this:

2020-04-02 02:04:59.836 T:8704 NOTICE: EMBY.objects.monitor -> [ xbmc/VideoLibrary.OnScanStarted ]
2020-04-02 02:04:59.836 T:8704 NOTICE: EMBY.objects.monitor -> DEBUG:: null
2020-04-02 02:04:59.836 T:8704 NOTICE: EMBY.hooks.monitor -> --<[ kodi scan/video ]
2020-04-02 02:04:59.836 T:8704 NOTICE: EMBY.objects.monitor -> [ xbmc/VideoLibrary.OnScanFinished ]

So I guess that Emby is a having a problem


2020-04-02 02:02:54.349 T:8984 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.

Always enable debugging and restart Kodi before searching for errors.

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Kodi hang un when searching subtitles0