Fork for use by schools or organizations for intranet videos
I was thinking it might be an interesting project to make a fork that could be used by schools and organizations to house and publish to their emplpyees or even adds at the same time. 

First, I do recognise this would be a very different fork and a big project.

I also recognise a large part of the project would actually separate from kodi. Creating a good ingest solution where an admin/content creator could add xml .nfo and thumbs they would create while creating the actual training content. But I think that could just be a really simple gui form and file selection. Nothing to fancy, and could already be other tools that will do just that. 

With that said, a fork of Kodi would be excellent, because once the content had meta data kodi can already build a video and audio library that could use the same data base schema as tv and movies. It can then hosted it on a mysql server and be used throughout the school or enterprise. This functionality is already present, the biggest change would be gui level interface changes and scraping the data. those two things are also big strengths of kodi so all around it could be great.

As a basic start a scraper and new skin could do a lot of the major work. so in many ways it could be done with addons. The reason a for might be beneficial is having a server client mentality, build a full admin version, maybe node editor default and a few other things, then on the client just a stripped kiosk version that can start up and browse content. 

I think this could be useful for general video sharing, but more so for schools to have e learning and other video lessons/demonstrations. in and orginisation training and hr videos as well as other conetent they want to distrubute. I think there might be a place for this

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Fork for use by schools or organizations for intranet videos0