Error to launch TMM after setting up memory usage to maximum

Every once I setup TMM to use maxium memore allowd (close to 2GB Ram), I can not open again TMM.  I just push the exe file and it doesn't open anymore.

I have tried with several instances of TMM and every time I have done this, it happened the same. 

My computer has 16GB of RAM.  I doesn't receive any message... simple... nothing happens.
The problem lies in Java itself.
If it cannot allocate this amount of space at startup in a SINGLE FREE BLOCK, it completely refuses to start...

- use a 64bit Java instance to load TMM (check logfile what you are currently using)
- check status bar, what TMM is actually using
- check

But 2gig is barely needed... except you have a 5-digit movie count...
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
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(2020-05-31, 13:24)myron Wrote: The problem lies in Java itself.
If it cannot allocate this amount of space at startup in a SINGLE FREE BLOCK, it completely refuses to start...

- use a 64bit Java instance to load TMM (check logfile what you are currently using)
- check status bar, what TMM is actually using
- check

But 2gig is barely needed... except you have a 5-digit movie count...

Thanks for your reply.  I am a bit confused about this, since I have done a couple of test and I think this doesn't make a lot of sense...

-  I have in my computer 16GB of RAM, and at the time of launch TMM, I have more than 6GB free.
-  I have a virtual desktop with windows 10 installed with VSWare and 6GB Ram asigned, and there I don't have any problem in launching TMM.

So... How can it be than I can launch TMM into the virtual machine and not into the windows 10 where it is installed that virtual machine?  I doesn't make any sense, no?  Virtual machine should have less resources free than the computer directly.
I have unisntalled old java version and installed 64-bit java, and now it opens normally, being able to setup up memore usage to maxium levels.  I have a 5-digit movie count, so I really need it.

However, it is still a mistery to me why I am capable of open it in the virtual machine and not in the computer itself...   I guess now it doesn't matter any more, once the problem has been solved, but just for curiosity...  Because I had a lot of free ram memory...

Thanks for your help.
"free memory" and "free memory in a continuous block of RAM" are a differfent pair of shoes!
Java is a bit fragile to memory fragmentation (which seems not the case in an VM somehow)
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
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Error to launch TMM after setting up memory usage to maximum0