Kodi Crash (force close) after 2 sec of playing video
Hello all,

So I installed Kodi on my new PC, so it's a brand new Install of Kodi, And when I play a video, kodi just force close.

Here my logs:


Thank for help... Smile
(2020-06-04, 05:06)SirKnightDragoon Wrote: so it's a brand new Install of Kodi

Somehow I doubt that very much. FYI: no support for piracy infested setups. Our forum rules (wiki) are quite clear on that.

2020-06-03 22:59:49.519 T:37628 NOTICE: ADDON: script.areswizard v0.0.69 installed

You want a brand new setup for Kodi? Remove the main profile folder and restart Kodi.
Aww sorry a didnt know that is a piracy infested... oupsss

I installer areswizard because i thninked the problem is the low memory affectation, so I just installed that to test if the problem is solved but not, so I can confirm that remove the main folder dont fix my bug.
(2020-06-04, 07:42)SirKnightDragoon Wrote: Aww sorry a didnt know that is a piracy infested... oupsss

I installer areswizard because i thninked the problem is the low memory affectation, so I just installed that to test if the problem is solved but not, so I can confirm that remove the main folder dont fix my bug.
Ok so I reset all my profile, And tested again.


(2020-06-04, 08:02)SirKnightDragoon Wrote:
(2020-06-04, 07:42)SirKnightDragoon Wrote: Aww sorry a didnt know that is a piracy infested... oupsss

I installer areswizard because i thninked the problem is the low memory affectation, so I just installed that to test if the problem is solved but not, so I can confirm that remove the main folder dont fix my bug.
Ok so I reset all my profile, And tested again.



well, never mind, I switch to Plex, no bug and more control. Sorry but the suppport is too long and bad here. Good bye Kodi.

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Kodi Crash (force close) after 2 sec of playing video0