XBMC for Windows vs Linux build
How far has the Linux build advanced compared to the Windows port? Windows based OS have superior drivers though and most people are used to it though. I've jut had a disastrous experience with MythBuntu : (
XBMC for Windows, rev 14125 (latest build?)

Widescreen doesn't work..; (..otherwise working great under Vista x64.

But i'd like to applaud the developers for such awesome work!!!!!

More testing to come!
Oh and thing is that when i click settings mouse freezes for like 3 sec and so does XBMC. I've noticed that when it's trying to load something mouse freezes..is there any plan to optimized this.

I've got an overclocked quad core (q6600) and a pretty decent graphic card (8800gt)
works great for me with no specific problems even really, except a few non OS specific XBMC issues...

I use the windows version over the linux one because, I am just not familiar enough with linux at least with a lot of my hardware not working in it.. and I just couldn't get it working after messing around for way too long on it. The windows version just worked almost "right out of the box" for me... so I just stuck with it. I have to use eventghost for remote control functions, but that was really easy to set up.
Linux is more "tinkering" to get hardware and drivers working then Windows. I think the Linux version of XBMC is more stable as the Windows version, on Vista x64 - not sure about other OSes, since XBMC has crashed on me quite a bit, while on Linux has not.

I may try nLite Vista since I'm really hoping XBMC will support SideShow!
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
The Linux, Windows, and OSX builds are pretty much the same. They all come from the same exact source. The only differences should be platform specific things. Though, the internal samba client in the Windows version is a little wonky.
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