SOME videos (x264/mkv), some of the time, crash Kodi when trying to play
i had been using Kodi for several years with an external player, but for the past year + i've been using the internal player....the vast majority of videos/movies play with no problems (x264/x265/mkv), but lately i've been watching a tv series, and some of the ep files cause Kodi to lockup when starting the video....what's strange is that sometimes if i try playing the problem file 2-3 times, it may eventually play the problem files don't cause a problem every time...and once the file starts playing, it will play fine until completion...i've tried turning HW acceleration off, but that hasn't solved my issue....and if i still have no luck after trying 2-3 times with Kodi, i use MPC-HC which will always play the file with no problems...i'm using the latest stable release of Kodi
Kodi 19 + Emby NextGen + Rapier
To receive meaningful assistance you will need to provide a full debug log.

The instructions are here... debug log (wiki)

If you are using the Basic Method, then ensure the following is applied...
1.Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging,
2.Restart Kodi
3.Replicate the problem.
4.Upload the log to Kodi Paste Site manually or use the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the link to the log back here.

If you are using the Advanced Method ensure you have correctly created and applied the advancedsettings.xml file (wiki)

In both instances, you should see the word DEBUG throughout the log.

Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
Do NOT post your logs directly into the forum. Use the Kodi Paste Site. Post the link to your pasted log in the forum

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SOME videos (x264/mkv), some of the time, crash Kodi when trying to play0