Solved No hevc playback after update to buster and kodi 18
Hi all.

I have a pi3b+ I use for the kids to watch movies on. It was still on jesse and kodi 17.4. It could play all my movies. Even the 1080, x265 movies. Even big ones with high bitrate and sound quality.
Albeit with some framedropping and getting hot. But they just started and played till the end. All day long.

Then I got the big idea it was time to update the pi.... Brilliant brilliant idea..
So I just got the latest raspbian image. The one with desktop but without software. Not that I use the desktop, but just in case.

Did the update / upgrade. Sudo apt-get install kodi to get newest kodi.
All went well.
But now when I start an hevc movie, screen just becomes darker and it sais working. But never starts the movie. If I choose a smaller file it sometimes starts the movie, but it starts out black screen. And then plays really really slow motion.

I tried to search, but I just keep getting results from the pi4 boys wanting hevc to work perfectly caue it was promised to them. boohoo..
I dont care if it drops some frames, as long as it will just playback the Aristocats and Ferdinand. Otherwise my daughter will be very sad after cats dont dance ends.. Wink

Is there something I can do about this?
Thanks a lot!
Found this in the meantime.
I already put memory up to 128. But now raised it to 300. Just waiting for a chance to reset Smile
Okeee. That did the trick. Its playing the hevc movies again. And quite well actually. Thanks for all the help! Wink
Thread marked solved.

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No hevc playback after update to buster and kodi 180