Windows 10, Kodi and Flirc
When I run Kodi 18.8 auto startup, the Kodi home window is unresponsive to my Flirc assigned remote controls. Nothing is highlighted on the initial home window and no button press alters this dead state. I’ve programmed tab and space but nothing helps. Starting Kodi from the desktop works as expected but I was hoping to avoid this, and a mouse, as my plan was to use a mini PC as a video player using only a remote control.
If I use Kodi as a custom user interface in Windows, the Kodi window responds as normal but I then lose any other Windows functionality – exiting from Kodi results in a wholly unresponsive blank screen.
Anyone have a suggestion to solve this?
I'd take your remote out of the equation by trying to use a keyboard when Kodi is in the unresponsive state. My guess is that Kodi doesn't have the focus. If I'm right it will ignore inputs until you give Kodi the focus by alt-tabbing to it or clicking on it with a mouse.

If focus is the issue, I think you can use Flirc to assign Windows keys. I'd suggest assigning a remote button to, say, Windows-1 and then make sure Kodi is pinned as the first entry in task bar. You can then use your assigned button to both start Kodi and give it back focus if something steals it.

(2021-01-01, 21:39)AndyHenderson Wrote: I'd take your remote out of the equation by trying to use a keyboard when Kodi is in the unresponsive state. My guess is that Kodi doesn't have the focus. If I'm right it will ignore inputs until you give Kodi the focus by alt-tabbing to it or clicking on it with a mouse.

If focus is the issue, I think you can use Flirc to assign Windows keys. I'd suggest assigning a remote button to, say, Windows-1 and then make sure Kodi is pinned as the first entry in task bar. You can then use your assigned button to both start Kodi and give it back focus if something steals it.

It is indeed a window focus issue. I have assigned alt-tab to a remote control with Flirc - pressing that after Kodi appears brings the window to focus and respond to commands from the remote. As far as i can ascertain, it's Microsoft Text Input Application that is the issue (windows touchscreen) as that seems to be the only other windowed app at startup, even if it's invisible.

Thanks very much for your help.
Using flirc to on a nuc windows 10,assing microsoft keys and not kodi works ok.

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Windows 10, Kodi and Flirc0