TMDB Scraper only scraping in english
(2021-01-10, 22:53)beta-tester Wrote: does that meani have potentially check my settings every time i reveice an automatic update for an add-on?
No. It is just with these latest language updates. TMDB changed from two digit codes to four digit codes. And updates cannot change the scraper setting recorded in the database.
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(2021-01-10, 23:00)Karellen Wrote:
(2021-01-10, 22:53)beta-tester Wrote: does that meani have potentially check my settings every time i reveice an automatic update for an add-on?
No. It is just with these latest language updates. TMDB changed from two digit codes to four digit codes. And updates cannot change the scraper setting recorded in the database.
ok, thanks!

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TMDB Scraper only scraping in english0