Trying to make 3D SBS movies play like a normal 2D movie
 Hi there, Behold my first post on here!,Laugh  I need some help... Angel

I have a lot off 3D movies ripped in SBS format and scraped in my kodi library. But i past years i just like to watch them as normal 2D movies but i never got Kodi working in playing the files as 2D. From the settings it does look like it is possible but it just doesn't work for me. I can get the menu to display in SBS by changing the mode in "side by side" But when i press the option "Disable" or "Monograpic /2D" the only thing that changes is the menu its shows like normal movies. But the video itself still shows up like a 2 eyed frame in SBS.

My main question is: Is there actually a way off making 3D SBS movies play just showing one frame so it is like a normal movie?. I did found in an old post the tip to include ".3D.SBS" in the folder & title name so i did change it but without any result. This is an example of how it is stored now:
Movies/Alice in wonderland (2010).3D.SBS/Alice in wonderland (2010).3D.SBS.mp4

I also did fiddle around with all the settings including: "steoroscopic 3D mode, Monoscopic / 2D"

My build is kodi: 18.9.0 in Estuary skin playing on Android television.

Hopefully someone can help me in the right direction. Or even the perfect tip!. Thankyou in advance!.

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Trying to make 3D SBS movies play like a normal 2D movie0