Download Subtitles as a Service or via Addon?
In Kodi, I believe that there are two options to download subtitles:
1. As a Service  (e.g. see here
2. By using an Addon (e.g. see here:

I am a bit confused about which method to use: add directly in Kodi as a service or download Addons?
(2021-01-19, 08:03)viking2 Wrote: Addons
Sorry, I just realized that I posted this in the wrong forum; there is a subforum for subtitles.
Why can't I delete or edit my post?

I forgot to mention that I understood that Kodi included the Service to replace Addons several years ago. Then why are there so many recent blogs recommending downloading Addons instead?
Even the Kodi official Repository has many subtitle Addons.
You can't delete or edit as you're a newbie account. Once you've posted more and been around for longer, edit privs will be granted automatically.

It's an anti-spam measure as we get too many drive-by bots who post vanilla posts here then come back later and edit them into spam payloads.

Anyway I've moved the thread to the subtitles section for you.
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Download Subtitles as a Service or via Addon?0