New MediaStream Mod
First off all... MediaStream is the best skin ever created for xbmc and
i've been using and modding xbmc for many years. So gongrats team !!

Anyhow i felt that the homescreen was a little 90's in its look and feel, no offense guys Wink

So i decided to create a new scroller with more "bling and pop". Actually im happy with the way the scroller turned out. But the submenu and subsubmenu panels gave me a hardtime. I wanted them to pop up horizontally over the main scroller. But as i turns out this ment that some other anims had to be edited also. By the time i'm writing this i gave up the whole project.

The scroller animations i think look really nice and unike.

But if anyone wants to check out the work so far i have posted a zip file with xml and png's. Make a copy of the entire MediaStream skin folder, then call it mediastreammod or what you like. Just copy the png files from the zipfile to the media folder and copy the xml files into the 720p folder.

Reallife is catching up on me so i dont know if i get able to do this mod completely. If anyone wants to help out please do Wink


Heres the mod package:
wooow looks really nice keep up the good work =)
did you actually test it or just looked at the screen shot. ?

To get the idea about this scroller you need to download the mod and see the anims Smile
i did actually test it but the icons didnt show
the icons didnt show ? did you copy all the *.png files into the root of your media folder ?
nice, i like that bounce animation. i'll take a look at the animations since i did most of them and just updated them on svn too. nice job.
did you get the icons showing also manutrafs ?
yep, icons show just fine for me.
Very Cool idea.
Although I notice a bit of 'artifacting or ghosting' I guess you would call it? of the old vertical MediaStream bar when toggling through the menu options on the main screen.

The icons and icon animations are great!

Just a personal preference I guess but the icons and fonts in the menu bar might be a little on the large side when factoring in the 16x9 ratios of screens out there..
yeah i know. when changing menu items there is an overlay fade image that should have been resized to fit the screen. i just havent gor around to do this thing completely as i mentioned.

Glad you like the scroller idea. I agree that the font could be a little large. but thats just tweaks. i just want to get feedback on the basic idea Wink
yep, i'll try to make it so you can choose it as an option and send you the mod once i get the submenus up.
choose what as an option ? Wink

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