how to use Video.Cast in a Json Get Request?

i try to get the Video.Cast over the Json RPC, but my request dont works. I want the Actors Thumbs and Name. 

my GET request

{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Video.Cast", "params": { "properties": ["name","order","role","thumbnail"] }}

perhaps someone can say whats wrong?

of the currently playing media the Video.Cast
(2021-03-30, 20:12)Skinnerxyz Wrote: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Video.Cast", "params": { "properties": ["name","order","role","thumbnail"] }}
"Video.Cast" is not a method so can't be used directly to get cast information.

I didn't fully check what you need but here are some hints:
Use "Player.GetItem" method to get currently playing media info
Then use "VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails" or "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodeDetails" method to get the "Cast".

You might need to use some other methods to get extra parameters like playerid.
Hopefully this helps

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how to use Video.Cast in a Json Get Request?0