Android AirPlay on Nvidia Shield - Kodi (19.1) Player not starting
not sure if I am missing a setting or this might be bug:
I have activated zeroconfig and AirPlay on Kodi 19.1 on a NvidiaShield 2019.
The given (Kodi Airplay device) name shows up on my Apple device, when I select it for playing music, it connects successfully and indicates that it is playing now via Airplay.
In Kodi though nothing seems to happen. I would expect the player to open and play the music.
When I go into my music within Kodi select a song and play it, it will open the music player, play the song that i have selected in Kodi, BUT:
It shows the cover and song information that is streaming currently via Airplay from my Apple device.
So it seems to be connected via Airplay, metadata are transferring, but something is wrong with the playback.

Happy to provide further information in case you have an idea.

thanks a lot!
(2021-05-18, 19:44)kakkabolle Wrote: Hi,
not sure if I am missing a setting or this might be bug:
I have activated zeroconfig and AirPlay on Kodi 19.1 on a NvidiaShield 2019.
The given (Kodi Airplay device) name shows up on my Apple device, when I select it for playing music, it connects successfully and indicates that it is playing now via Airplay.
In Kodi though nothing seems to happen. I would expect the player to open and play the music.
When I go into my music within Kodi select a song and play it, it will open the music player, play the song that i have selected in Kodi, BUT:
It shows the cover and song information that is streaming currently via Airplay from my Apple device.
So it seems to be connected via Airplay, metadata are transferring, but something is wrong with the playback.

Happy to provide further information in case you have an idea.

thanks a lot!
Yes, same here on odroid c4. Airplay is broken since 19.1. Last working for me is 19.1 rc4.
There is already an issue opened @ github

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AirPlay on Nvidia Shield - Kodi (19.1) Player not starting0