Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Where is Skin.CurrentTheme defined?
I'm looking at an outdated skin trying to wrap my head around the smallest of things.
There was this change made to the skinning engine and i'm trying to implement this into a skin thats based off good ole JX720. I cant seem to find anything related to this defined in SettingsCategory.xml. I've searched through a few xmls trying to hunt this down but I'm just hitting a brick wall.

Any skinners with some free time feel like helping me understand bits of the porting process for an old skin (that really should rise from the grave once again)? I'm absolutely willing to get my hands dirty but its incredibly frustrating spending hours and hours trying to figure something out thats somewhat simple while someone else does it in 2 minutes without issues.

Does anyone else have nostalgia for the blades interface?
There sure was a lot of work put into that project back in the day. Kinda messed up to see that great themes like the old superman returns theme is nowhere to be found on the internet and even if it can be found it likely cant be unpacked anyway.
I want to see it come back even if it takes me the next decade to do it (and at this rate thats what it looks like).

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Where is Skin.CurrentTheme defined?0