Solved "Attempt to use invalid handle -1" and no menu
Hi Everyone,

I'm sure I'm just having a moment of stupidity here -- hopefully someone can let me know what I'm doing wrong.  I have one menu whos items create another menu, and that menus items should also create a new menu:

- first menu:
- second menu:
- third menu:

For the life of me, I can't figure out why when selecting an item from the second menu triggers this warning and causes no screen update (like, you here the sound feedback of selection but nothing happens)...

2021-09-12 20:38:34.696 T:11692 WARNING <general>: Attempt to use invalid handle -1

Thinking way back I thought I remember strange things like this happening when you don't end your folder but as far as I can tell I'm doing that Sad

Anyway, thanks for your time -- hopefully you can spot what I've done wrong.
I am not going to delete my own post on the off chance someone can actually use the solution -- the issue was that the menu item that would not load the third menu had isFolder set to false when it indeed should have been true.

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"Attempt to use invalid handle -1" and no menu0