ARTIC: ZEPHYR - Reloaded on Apple tvOS
I've installed the latest Kodi Matrix onto my Apple TV Gen 3, and it works prefect...BUT, every time I try to load/install the Arctic: Zephyr Reloaded skin (properly through Kodi)... I get an error message when I turn the skin on - SKIN SHORTCUT ERROR check log.
But I have no way to navigate or go back as all the links are missing and so I have to do a fresh install.
Is there a "fix" or solution for thisHuh
Thanks for any help!
Could you please check what skinshortcuts version and kodi version you are using? A Debug Log is required, to see whats going on.
THANK YOU for reaching out on this, but the Apple TV doesn't allow much and my issue with the skin shortcuts missing, means I cannot do anything, all I have it the home screen with nothing on it.
Any ideas?
Skin Shortcuts 2.0.0 seems to break in tvOS. I had to delete and reinstall Kodi. To get an older version of Skin Shortcuts, I first installed Pellucid and that installs 1.1.5 of Skin Shortcuts. Make sure you turn automatic updates for addons off then you can install Arctic Zephyr again.

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ARTIC: ZEPHYR - Reloaded on Apple tvOS0