Known issue with .ts files ?
I have Kodi running on a Raspberry. When trying to watch .ts files, that were recorded by TVHeadend on my Raspberry server, Kodi freezes from time to time. Is there a known issue when playing .ts files ? It does not matter if I play them from within the TVHeadend addon or directly from the disk. I do not have any problems playing .mkv files.
Working fine here. Have you checked for data/transport errors? TVHeadEnd will report if there have been errors.

As always, if you have a problem and want help, you'll need to post logs so people can see what is happening on your system.
I'll have a look for the log file later today.
I was finally able to post a logfile:
(2021-12-04, 17:41)luc290670 Wrote: I was finally able to post a logfile

That is great, however there are also a banned repo+add-on installed on your LibreELEC setup.
These will have to be uninstalled before any further support will provided (as per our forum rules (wiki).

Also, debugging was not enabled. Do so before you create another log file.
I can do that since I am not using that anyway. But I have a problem with the debugging turned on: the log file becomes so big that I cannot upload it.
Go to the TVHeadEnd web interface. For the recordings that don't play properly, what is shown in the 'Errors' and 'Data errors' columns?

If there are lots of errors in the recording files, this would explain it.
no errors...

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