[Raspberry Pi OS (Bullseye)] armv7 | Missing inputstream.ffmpegdirect and RTMP addons
Is there any inputstream.ffmpegdirect addon for Linux version?
I am using a freshly installed version of Kodi 19.3 from the official Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye repository. In the app store, I just don't have the inputstream.ffmpegdirect extension, although it is a dependency for the InputStream Adaptive and without it, I keep getting an error when starting the broadcast.
uname -a
Linux kodi 5.10.83-v7l+ #1499 SMP Tue Dec 7 14:08:09 GMT 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux
Yup, same here. Kodi 19.3 on a RPi4 with Raspberry Pi OS Lite (Kernel: 5.10). 
sudo apt-cache search kodi-inputstream
only lists kodi-inputstream-adaptive.

Is there any additional repo to add ?
Ok, after building the plugin according to instructions, I just zipped them together and used the Kodi interface to install them.
Having the same issues, can someone post a solution, i tried to build the missing plugins from Github and then zip together but i couldn't get to work.

Can you post your process?

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[Raspberry Pi OS (Bullseye)] armv7 | Missing inputstream.ffmpegdirect and RTMP addons0