Trouble moving icons to resource add-on
Good afternoon,

I am trying to reduce the size of the iPlayer WWW add-on by moving the icons to a separate resource add-on. Steps I've taken so far:
  1. Create a new resource.images.iplayerwww add-on locally, and move all the icons to its resources/media subfolder.
  2. Install that add-on locally (from a ZIP).
  3. Remove the icons from the previous location.
  4. Change the path in to point to resource://resource.images.iplayerwww/resources/media/filename.png.
  5. Delete thumbnails and Texture13.db because it still loaded the cached icons.
  6. No icons can be loaded. All I get is error messages in the log:
    ERROR <general>: DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.iplayerwww/resources/media/bbc_two_england.png
    DEBUG <general>: GetImageHash - unable to stat url resource://resource.images.iplayerwww/resources/media/bbc_two_england.png

  7. I even tried installing the Catchup TV and more add-on from the Kodi repo because it also uses a separate icon add-on. Same here, as soon as icons located in the images add-on are required, there are the same error messages again:
    DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.catchuptvandmore/channels/uk/yesterday_fanart.jpg
    DEBUG <general>: GetImageHash - unable to stat url resource://resource.images.catchuptvandmore/channels/uk/yesterday_fanart.jpg

Am I missing something in general? Is there an issue with my Kodi installation? I am running 19.3 at the moment.
Never mind. I found the "issue". In my own add-on, the /resources/ part of the path needed to be removed, took me a while to figure that one out. In case of Catchup TV and more these particular icons were missing.

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Trouble moving icons to resource add-on0