v19 Preinstalled Addons in Kodi 19 apk
Hello, i've compiled a Kodi 19 apk with my wizard preinstalled. When I had this in Kodi 18 it would read the userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.wizard/settings.xml file so that all my settings where set. When I build a Kodi 19 apk with same directory then install the apk it does not seem to read that settings.xml file or wipes out the userdata/addon_data folder ignoring my settings.xml file. I do have the addon_manifest.xml with plugin.program.wizard saved to it and all dependencies. Any insight on how to get this to read my settings.xml would be appreciated.
We do not support wizards or pre-installed addons.

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I apologize. Thank you for the clarification.

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Preinstalled Addons in Kodi 19 apk0