Solved Smart playlist rule tag not working for tv shows on shared database
Not sure how you are using the RPi database combo, but I'm not a fan of running databases off an SDcard. I'd use a USB/SATA connected SSD at least to have some data integrity assurance. I very briefly tested the MariaDB add-on when it was first created. After that I tried Rasbpian + MariaDB, as well as Ubuntu Server on the RPi4, as they can be just as fast/efficient as a database server on a (simple) PC.
My setup might not be ideal, but my main goal is to only use the hardware I already have. And I got it working now! My old Pi 3 is running OSMC with Kodi 19.3, RetroPie and the MariaDB server and my Pi 4 remains on LibreELEC with Kodi 19.3. And just for the fun of it I am also using the shared database for my Kodi test system on the Windows PC.

I guess it is pretty clear now that running MariaDB as a Kodi addon was the reason for my problems and for me this thread is solved.

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