IETF BCP 47 support
The mkv-standard allows for IETF BCP 47 language codes. As far as I know, Kodi does not. Can this be supported? Makes it easier when dealing with files that have both Spanish (es-ES) and Latin Spanish (es-419) and other examples.
Yes this a know problem that affect also almost all VOD services addons
maybe in the future someone will have the time and patience to make this language code migration
Dev-Maintainer of InputStream Adaptive add-on, Netflix add-on ▫ Skills Python, C#, VB.NET and a bit of C++
I would say a general problem is that BCP 47 is in good use on web sites, from what I've seen not so much in media files for example subtitles.  Already we need to convert ISO 639 2 character and 3 character codes.  BCP 47 is a bit forgiving on what code to use (mandatory), but the recommendation of 639-3 is typically better than just 639-2 IF media providers did in fact follow the standard.  For example Kodi currently uses zh_TW as sort of a generic marker for traditional Chinese, dialect not stated.  It would be better if originators used something like yue-Hant-HK when appropriate.  Instead for subs I see "chs" and "cht" used a lot.  Though for subs I guess dialect isn't as important as for audio tracks.  So I guess my thought is even if the work was undertaken to add this, it might not make a big difference for users unless they were meticulous with their encoding of media metadata.

scott s.

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