Kodi 19 software rendering broken on AMD Ryzen systemK
Kodi 19.4 (same issue in prior 19.x version). Not a problem with Kodi <= 18.9.
64 bit, Windows 10 release 21H2. AMD Ryzen 5600G, but same problem before CPU uprade from 2400G

When using in player settings software rendering, displaayed video looks like video at the end.
Does only happen on HDR capable display (Epson 5050ub). Does not occur on non HDR capable display
Problems occur whether or not windows setting "Use HDR" is enabled or not.
Problem occurs whether or not Kodi system settings "Use display HDR capabilities" is on or off.
Problem occurs whethre or not "Allow hardware acceleration - DXVA2" is on or off.
Problem does NOT occur when pixel shader or DXVA rendering is selected.

Is this normal ? If it is, it is not a nice user interface experience if there is no warning this does not work (software rendering on HDR display)
If it is not normal, suggestion how to try to would be welcome

Tried to create log with ffmpeg detail, but that was 120MB mbyte and could not be uploaded.


(2022-06-29, 01:30)te36 Wrote: Is this normal ?
The obvious answer is No, but Yes if the underlying gfx engine is not playing nice with the software.
(2022-06-29, 01:30)te36 Wrote: Tried to create log with ffmpeg detail, but that was 120MB mbyte
To help our developers, a proper debug log would help. Suggest manually deleting the all log files prior to Kodi launch, do not imitate auto library scans and exercise the minimum actively, just load up one file that exhibits the issue and exit. If needed break the log into smaller chunks and include multiple links.
I didn't get around to do the log files, but:

I installed a fresh windows 1903 ISO without any upgrades/network connection because i wanted to verify that this is not caused by a newer windows and/or additional software. I only installed the current AMD drivers and Kodi 19.4. I guess i can try to go back to a bit older AMD drivers, but with a 5600G CPU probably only one year.

So with this fresh setup i still have the same problem: "software" rendering on my 4K/HDR projector shows up messy as picture above, and any of the other Kodi settings ("use system HDR", "DXVA acceleration") or Windows setting ("HDR on/off") make a difference.

Instead of just checking on a non-HDR Monitor, i plugged an EDID box into the HDMI to the monitor and switched it, so that only non-HDR resolutions up to 4K would show. And that equally fixed the issue.

Given how i had the issue also with my older 2400G CPU:

I would really love to hear from anybody using an AMD GPU with Kodi 19 on a 4K/HDR Monitor who is NOT getting this weird output when switching Kodi to "software" rendering!
(2022-06-29, 01:30)te36 Wrote: Problem does NOT occur when pixel shader or DXVA rendering is selected.

The key point is that no one uses (or needs or wants or makes sense to use) software rendering with HDR.

Default Kodi setting is "Auto detect" and works fine (Pixel Shaders works fine and DXVA works fine too).

Software rendering doesn't support HDR probably and even if it does support it it won't work well because normally HDR is also 4K and it needs graphics acceleration to move that amount of data and make it smooth.

Software rendering only makes sense for very old computers that are not supported by current graphics drivers in Windows 10. That is, it is a compatibility mode as a last resort to be able to playback 720 and at most 1080p (SDR) on obsolete computers.
(2022-06-29, 01:30)te36 Wrote: Not a problem with Kodi <= 18.9.

Sure, as not supports HDR....
(2022-07-05, 16:47)jogal Wrote:
(2022-06-29, 01:30)te36 Wrote: Problem does NOT occur when pixel shader or DXVA rendering is selected.

The key point is that no one uses (or needs or wants or makes sense to use) software rendering with HDR.

Default Kodi setting is "Auto detect" and works fine (Pixel Shaders works fine and DXVA works fine too).

Software rendering doesn't support HDR probably and even if it does support it it won't work well because normally HDR is also 4K and it needs graphics acceleration to move that amount of data and make it smooth.

Software rendering only makes sense for very old computers that are not supported by current graphics drivers in Windows 10. That is, it is a compatibility mode as a last resort to be able to playback 720 and at most 1080p (SDR) on obsolete computers.
I would just like to see a clear confirmation, that this is (as you say) a feature, and not a bug. If that is the case, then it would be nice to have on the system config page in kodi a help text such as "Software rendering is not supported/working on HDR monitors". That way, users like myself would not hunt down something that will not change.

The reason why i need Software rendering is unfortunately one that only applies to platform builds of Kodi:

When someone uses the x86/Win10 Kodi build for MVC (3D BluRay) on an NVidia or AMD Graphics card, there is no HW chan support to decode the MVC video. It only exists via Intels libmfxsw64.dll, e.g. software library.

Now, the best generic argument i could make is that in my experience, some of the software path features, like scaling did look better than DXVA, but i would need to reconfirm this for Kodi 19. And i am not sure if DXVA does support all the relevant codecs. I only use h264/h265, so i have no idea about all the VC* codecs for example...

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Kodi 19 software rendering broken on AMD Ryzen systemK0