Xbox One Controller stopped working
Hi All,

I got Kodi gaming all setup with Retroarch and IAGL with an Xbox One Controller.

All working beautifully for the last two weeks until this afternoon.

The controller continues to work in Windows and Retroarch, but won't work in Kodi at all.

I've checked all the settings but they appear fine.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
Kodi Matrix - HP Elite 8200 - Core i7-2600 - 16gb Ram - Windows 11 - 2TB Seagate main - 4TB Seagate media
Original MCE Remote - Xbox One Controller - IAGL - Retroarch Kodi Matrix
Ok, another one of those mysteries of life.

I started IAGL with a keyboard and the controller started working again.
Kodi Matrix - HP Elite 8200 - Core i7-2600 - 16gb Ram - Windows 11 - 2TB Seagate main - 4TB Seagate media
Original MCE Remote - Xbox One Controller - IAGL - Retroarch Kodi Matrix
Something you may have missed in the forum rules, but here we allow a maximum of 4 text lines for user signatures. Unfortunately, yours is a bit too enthusiastic vertically.
So, kindly adjust it, and perhaps think more horizontal instead of vertical? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: signature has been edited.
Glad you got it working. Next time please post a debug log and I'll be able to see the issue directly.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
Thank you for that. I'll fix it.
Kodi Matrix - HP Elite 8200 - Core i7-2600 - 16gb Ram - Windows 11 - 2TB Seagate main - 4TB Seagate media
Original MCE Remote - Xbox One Controller - IAGL - Retroarch Kodi Matrix

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Xbox One Controller stopped working0