Solved Problem with movie scrapper, here's the solution...
I recently had a problem that the Kodi movie scrapper stopped working for about half of my movies. I found out that the cause of this was that even if the file name was correct, the file could contain a Title tag that was incorrect. I made a YouTube vide where I explain how to correct the titles, plus I also show where do download nfo and movie posters in case someone's interested:
(2022-07-25, 02:51)SweWolf Wrote: I made a YouTube clip where I explain this
Thanks for your contribution SweWolf

Some errors, though...

The scraper you use - The Movie Database is dead. So it is incorrect to say it is the best one to use.
The correct scraper to use is the one you stated as broken (which it is not) - The Movie Database Python

I don't agree with you emphasizing the correct title embedded in the movie file. It is not needed and can confuse users.
As long as you do not enable the setting Use video tags , then the embedded title is not an issue.
Its only becomes a problem when users change the default settings without really understanding what the setting does. So rather than showing them a complicated way of fixing the problem, simply show them how to disable the setting.

The start of your second part is an advertisement for various sites that are completely unrelated to Kodi so I will remove the link to your video as it breaches our forum rules. (repost without the advertisements)

As for the nfo files, they are semantically correct, but I worry that there are no artwork links and users will have no artwork except for posters. Also artwork links do tend to expire so while they work now, they may not work in a few years time.

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Ok, thanks, yes you are right about the setting.
So I now added that tips to the description of my YouTube clip.
About The Movie Database Python, I can only say that it doesn't work at all on my computer, I'm getting an error message. I will troubleshoot that later.
(2022-07-25, 05:17)SweWolf Wrote: I can only say that it doesn't work at all on my computer, I'm getting an error message.
Provide a Debug Log and I can check for you.
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Thank you. However, I just reinstalled Kodi on my PC to check it out, after that, The Movie Database Python works fine. So I guess we can say case closed.
Thread marked solved.

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Problem with movie scrapper, here's the solution...0