Can I change an id tag from Movie to TV Show and vice versa?
I'm new to all this but learning keeps me young!
I was wondering if there is an option in my skin Aeon Nox - Silvio to edit the data scraped for a file between Movie and TV show. It bugs me because it is often wrong at the TMDB site. For instance "It's Slade!" is listed as a movie, when it was screened on the BBC and is only 50 mins long. It seems to be the same with many TV Shows that are only a single episode, but definitely are movies, Guy Martins 1 off specials, Doco's on crime like "The Hunt for Ted Bundy" etc, etc.. There must be about 40-50 files that appear as movies which are infact single episode TV Shows. I know it's pedantic but my OCD is cracking it!
On the flip side TMDB scrapes "The Story of Musicals (2012)" as a movie when it is a 3 part BBC TV Show...
Thanks for any help.
Mods - if this is in the incorrect forum/thread please delete and advise where i should post.
Thank you.

I bet this is the exact page you need...
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Looks just the ticket - thank you very much.
I have tired to follow the instructions provided but am still none the wiser. Sorry to be so uninformed, I am honestly trying. I managed to do the export (separate files as recommended) but when I open the nfo files (either in notepad or excel) I just cannot find the field I should be editing.
I am trying to make a movie into a tv show - here is the notepad version of the nfo file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    <title>Guy Martin&apos;s World War 1 Tank</title>
    <originaltitle>Guy Martin&apos;s World War 1 Tank</originaltitle>
        <rating name="themoviedb" max="10" default="true">
    <plot>Guy Martin wants to build a working replica of a World War One tank, pass his tank driving test and drive the machine at Lincoln&apos;s Remembrance Day parade.</plot>
    <thumb aspect="poster" preview=""></thumb>
    <uniqueid type="imdb" default="true">tt7664228</uniqueid>
    <uniqueid type="tmdb">509930</uniqueid>
    <country>United Kingdom</country>
    <studio>Channel 4 Television</studio>
        <name>Guy Martin</name>
        <name>Shaun Dooley</name>
        <role>Himself (Narrator)</role>
    <dateadded>2019-11-23 11:16:54</dateadded>

Could anyone please advise/highlight what I need to do to make this nfo file ready to import as a single, one episode tv show?

I have lots to do but know that if I can just get a template from one - then I can do the others myself. I have all the time in the world now I am retired.

Many thanks
(2022-08-26, 09:56)stebai Wrote: but when I open the nfo files (either in notepad or excel) I
Grrrr. Definitely not excel. It is the wrong file type.
And I strongly advise against notepad as it is not a code editor, and tends to insert unwanted code.

(2022-08-26, 09:56)stebai Wrote: I am trying to make a movie into a tv show - here is the notepad version of the nfo file.
Does the TV Show already exist on your system?
Lets assume it does, then all you need to change are two tags in the table shown in Section 2 of that wiki page. I don't really know how to point that out any more clearly. The tags are in the table, the same tags are in your nfo above in your post.

If the tv show does not exist, and you are trying to create a completely new tv show in your library, then you also need to create a tvshow.nfo file. So you need to create two nfo files.
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I think that must be the problem - the show does not exist as a TV show and I need to create a second nfo file - where is the wiki page that explains how to do that?
Thanks again.
(2022-08-26, 16:18)stebai Wrote: the show does not exist as a TV show and I need to create a second nfo file
Here is the tvshow.nfo page...
Here is a template you can use...
I'm sure you have added tv shows to your library, but here is a guide for correct tv show setup...

I guess you are trying to turn Guy Martins "tv movies" into one tv show?
Just remember that each "episode" needs the SxxEyy data in the filename.
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Thank you again, I really appreciate all of your help.

If I can't do it this time with the info you provided, i'll just call it quits and live with the messy menu's.

All the best
(2022-08-27, 03:42)stebai Wrote: If I can't do it this time with the info you provided, i'll just call it quits and live with the messy menu's.
Provide a couple of screenshots of how you have set up the tv show folder, so we can see the files and the filenames.
Also provide the two nfo files you created/edited. Post the contents to Kodi Paste Site and the links provided here.
I know its annoying when people say "its pretty simple to do", but it really is, so if its not working, its most likely a minor mistake in your setup.

And messy menus? do you mean messy library lists?
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Can I change an id tag from Movie to TV Show and vice versa?0