Blurred Album Art as Background?
I've been playing around with includes_OSD.xml in pkscout's Arctic Zephyr skin to get the music playback screen to look more like Plex's music playback screen, but with a few more elements. I've got the layout exactly as I want it, but now I'd like to add blurred, full screen album art as a background. I've been reading the skinning guides and trying to insert elements in different places in the xml, but I'm at a loss. Everything I try ends up breaking the xml and I get a blank screen. Any ideas? What do I need to insert, and where? Here's what I've got so far. Here's what it looks like. 

What I'd like to do is use the existing "Colour Overlay" option to be able to turn the background on and off. It's in MusicVisualizations.xml. I've found the section that needs to be changed, but I can't figure it out. Again, any time I try to point it to the album artwork element, it breaks the xml.

Or, maybe a simpler solution... is there an addon that will allow me to used blurred album art as a full screen background? I've looked, I can't find any.
Oh, or if there's a way to blur backgrounds in the Artist Slideshow plug in. I'm don't see a setting, but there must be a file that can be edited manually.
Have a look at this…
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I just had a look at that entire article and I have no idea what to do. I've installed TheMovieDb Helper from jurialmunkey's repository, but I'm not sure what my next step is. I looked in Manage Dependencies in my skin settings, but I'm not seeing TMDbHelper.service in the list. The only instance of TMDb I'm seeing is I'm more than comfortable editing xml files, but I'm not sure what my next (first?) step is.
The wiki is well documented.

You got 2 Options ( use a monitoring , seems not needed in your case, or run the script manually to get a 'static or vraibale sourced image' which should more fit your needs)

No monitoring:
run script onload, to create a blurred image (MusicVisualisation.xml)
<onload condition="true">RunScript(,blur_image=$INFO[Player.Art(thumb)])</onload>
then you can use
as your image for the background
<control type="image">
                     ... may some positioning,and/or aspectratio adjustments ..

Monitoring :
you'll have to toggle the service settings, may playce i n home.xml

<onload condition="true">SetProperty(TMDbHelper.Blur.SourceImage,Art(tvshow.fanart)|Art(fanart),Home)</onload>
<onload condition="true">SetProperty(TMDbHelper.Blur.Fallback,*an image path which should be blurred when defined (TMDbHelper.Blur.SourceImage,Art(tvshow.fanart)|Art(fanart)) art not found*,Home)</onload>

for your image/background variable:
<value condition="Skin.HasSetting(TMDbHelper.EnableBlur) + !string.isempty(window(home).property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.BlurImage))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.BlurImage)]</value>

in generell:
$INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.BlurImage)] is used as the current blurred image info label.
That worked like a charm, thank you so much!

However, certain albums or compilations have multiple covers, and when the track changes, it won't load the new background. The background only loads when I start playback of an album. Is there a variable or rule I can add to make it refresh the background each time a new track is played?
(2022-08-31, 17:36)DiscoRage Wrote: That worked like a charm, thank you so much!

However, certain albums or compilations have multiple covers, and when the track changes, it won't load the new background. The background only loads when I start playback of an album. Is there a variable or rule I can add to make it refresh the background each time a new track is played?
Hm. i found a strange situation in that case.

First, for that case i use the motitor and show the blurred thumb.
Which is working as intended

<onload condition="string.isempty(TMDbHelper.WidgetContainer) | [!string.isempty(TMDbHelper.WidgetContainer) + !string.isequal(TMDbHelper.WidgetContainer, $NUMBER[5999])]">setproperty(TMDbHelper.WidgetContainer,5999,Home)</onload>
<onload condition="!skin.hassetting(TMDbHelper.EnableBlur)">skin.setbool(TMDbHelper.EnableBlur)</onload>
<onload condition="!skin.hassetting(TMDbHelper.EnableBlur)">setproperty(TMDbHelper.Blur.SourceImage,thumb,Home)</onload>

<!-- <onunload>skin.reset(TMDbHelper.EnableBlur)</onunload> -->

<control type="list" id="5999">
        <description>dynamic container - filled with currently playing DB item</description>
        <content limit="1">musicdb://songs/?songid=$INFO[musicplayer.dbid]</content>
<!-- other stuff -->
<control type="image">
    <aspectratio scalediffuse="false" aligny="center" align="center">keep</aspectratio>

so, i like to ping @jurialmunkey her, as i a not sure if that is intended.

the issue? i noticed is:
    when providing a custom WidgetContainer id, the monitor is 'sticked' to that Container id',
    which seems to mean when 'id' not visible (e.g. when dialogs opened ) Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.BlurImage) is ALSO NOT VISIBLE, BUT IT IS NOT CLEARED
current solution:
    if you provide the list in every possible dialog which can come to overlay - you can keep the item visible
    - so youll have to put the list with 5999 in
            - script-cu-lrclyrics.xml
            - musicOSD.xml
@mardukL the image/background code does that go in your home.xml as well or does it go in your variables.xml

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Blurred Album Art as Background?0