Delete currently playing video file?
I used this several years ago on Kodi but I cannot find the addon or method to set it up. I was able to prune a collection, deleting from disk any poor quality videos by selecting delete from the context/options menu in the player, while actually still watching the video to be deleted.

On searching the forum I found references to After Watch and I lust tested it but it does something different. DAW also mentioned, which has a dead link but from the description it does something different, unless there is an unmentioned feature.

If you are familiar with a way to set this up please let me know.
@runswithascript do not spam the forum by duplicating your query across multiple unrelated threads.

I have binned 3 posts in 3 other threads that you created asking they same question as you have here. Have some patience and wait for a response here. This is the correct way to ask your question.
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One thread was someone looking for the same thing but for audio, who I wanted to notify I used something for this for video in the past and I was searching for it again now - as either of us finding a solution for one may be able to help the other.

The other two posts were on threads for apps related to deleting media, and the developers and those following those threads, being interested it alternate delete options, are more likely to be familiar with that I am searching for.

It has been a week, and with your permission I would like to try these threads again. Please consider and confirm.
(2022-10-22, 07:50)runswithascript Wrote: It has been a week,

"A week" is hardly an excuse for creating yet another thread. Have some patience for the replies of others.

On the subject: how about simply using the existing delete option in the Kodi GUI? Or is pressing 4 buttons such a problem?
I would not be "creating another thread", I would be replying to existing very related threads.

Yes, the many button presses involved with stopping a playlist, deleting, and then restarting a playlist is inefficient and inadequate when there is a better way that reduces complexity.
Please continue to have patience and wait for a response in this thread. There is no need to reply in other threads asking this question. This thread has as much chance of being noticed as the other threads.

If you disregard this advice and proceed those posts will be removed once again and there may be further action taken.
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Delete currently playing video file?0