Solved Is main currently broke?
Hey i've been running nightlies on Librelec for the past month or so and haven't been able to get games to work at all. It used to work in the 19.3 final build but on 20 i'm getting :

2022-11-07 17:56:47.093 T:850     error <general>: Unable to load /storage/.kodi/addons/game.libretro/, reason: /storage/.kodi/addons/game.libretro/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

Not sure if you guys would fix or it could go over to the libreelec team - Any help much appreciated
Spoke with the LibreElec team - There was an issue - Lots of the addons are updating now and it looks like everything is working!
Thread marked solved.
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(2022-11-07, 20:20)sunlollyking Wrote: Not sure if you guys would fix or it could go over to the libreelec team - Any help much appreciated

LibreELEC questions are usually best asked on their own forum.
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Is main currently broke?0