Dropping Frames with 4k Video
Hey guys,

I'm new to Kodi + Raspberry Pi's so apologies in advance.
Got my new Raspberry Pi 4, 4GB up and running with desktop version of the OS and Kodi installed. After fixing issues with no sound and getting 4k-60hz working I was feeling pretty good.
Everything seemed to be working perfectly until approx 30 mins into a movie - when I noticed it started dropped frames. Slowly it got worse, so I restarted my pi, which fixed the issue until a similar amount of time elapsed and frames started dropping again. Got the debug running and here are my results.

In the overlay I noticed that the CPU was spiking past 100% when the frame drops occur - usually it's pretty stable ~60%.
To get 4k videos to work at all I had to include the following in my config.txt

If possible I want to stay on the pi OS since I'm also running pihole.


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Dropping Frames with 4k Video0