v20 No Atmos information in Nexus?
I have noticed that the information returned for ListItem.AudioCodec for movies in Nexus doesn’t mention Atmos anymore, only TrueHD. I have read somewhere that technically Atmos is also TrueHD, so someone could say that’s correct, but I miss a lot the Matrix behavior, since it also returned an indication about a track being Atmos. Right now the users are unable to know whether a movie has an Atmos track or it’s only TrueHD, is there any way to know that in Nexus? Thanks.
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Are you 100% sure about the Matrix behaviour? as far as I'm aware we've never returned Atmos via ListItem.AudioCodec and it's always been TrueHD. The only way I've seen Atmos displayed is by having a media flag that works off the filename containing Atmos.
I don't ever remember ListItem.AudioCodec returning Atmos.
It's always only been possible via file name, but it's still a dearly missed feature to get 3D audio information right from the source: the file itself.
OSMC Skinner      |    The OSMC Skin for Kodi v21 Omega (native 16:9, 21:9 and 4:3 skin, special cinemascope/CIH version available)      |     GitHub: https://github.com/Ch1llb0/skin.osmc
The problem is ffmpeg does not distinguish between normal TrueHD and TrueHD with Atmos. See for yourself by enabling debug logging and play something with Atmos and you'll see something like

info <general>: ffmpeg[0x892fa430]: Stream #0:18(eng): Audio: truehd, 48000 Hz, 7.1, s32 (24 bit)

So there's nothing we can do while ffmpeg returns only Audio: truehd as it's this that's used to provide the audio codec type info.
I'm aware, yes. Still something that I do miss... Sad

SLightly off topic: What I do see there is that ffmpeg returns a channel layout - that's something else that's been missing for a long time: That the channel info label returns a layout (like 5.1) and not a channel count (like 6) which doesn't let skinners distinguish between e.g. a 5.1 or 6.0 layout when 6 channels are turned by the info label.
OSMC Skinner      |    The OSMC Skin for Kodi v21 Omega (native 16:9, 21:9 and 4:3 skin, special cinemascope/CIH version available)      |     GitHub: https://github.com/Ch1llb0/skin.osmc
I don't know what happens with channel layout, that's way above my knowledge, however I do see in the logs once we get to opening the relevant audio stream it becomes

info <general>: CAEStreamParser::SyncTrueHD - TrueHD stream detected (8 channels, 48000Hz)

So it's a simple channel count by that stage.
I see... At some point the relevant ffmpeg information seems to be converted. Would be really cool to be able to access the channel layout information via an infolabel at some point - same as labels for 3D audio! Blush
OSMC Skinner      |    The OSMC Skin for Kodi v21 Omega (native 16:9, 21:9 and 4:3 skin, special cinemascope/CIH version available)      |     GitHub: https://github.com/Ch1llb0/skin.osmc
Sorry about my misunderstanding, I realized that the information about my movies having an Atmos track comes from the media manager I'm using (MediaElch). It saves an nfo file for each movie that contains the audio tracks information (and it detects Atmos faultlessly). After that I update the video database with “Only local info” option.

I tested the same movie, but using the Kodi scraper and it didn't detect Atmos. In addition, I have to disable the option "Extract video information from files" if I want my nfo file information to show.
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No Atmos information in Nexus?0