v20 Add-ons not working
I just discovered kodi and installed some add-ons but most of them are not working and when I try to open them it says error and 'check the log for more information'. Its probably a stupid thing but help will be appreciated. here's the log file https://paste.kodi.tv/udacumohul.kodi
I am using v20 on Windows 10. Thanks
a lot of addons have not been updated to v20
i know specifically plex does not have a version for v20 yet - https://forums.plex.tv
t1mlib is another one that is being discussed here lately

it is less general than just your installation but specific to certain addons
ok so how do I know which add-ons are working in v20? Is there any list or filter etc Or should I downgrade kodi to v19?
im not aware of any master list, its going to be down to your own research

also downgrading will be your choice depending on what you want kodi to do for you
if the new version does not do the things you want certainly trying a slightly older version may be the best option for now
Yes, popcornflix is broken. We really need to remove that from the repo.
In fact we probably need to remove all the addons developed by learningit from the repo.

Reported... https://github.com/xbmc/repo-plugins/issues/4241
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From the log (which BTW does not have "debug" set, so it's just an info log)
that was changed a long time ago and now is mandatory in Kodi 20.  You can actually do it yourself pretty easy just add "import xbmcvfs at beginning of the indicated python file (eg "C:\Users\Pcname\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.t1mlib\lib\t1mlib.py") and then do a global find/replace of xbmc.translatePath to xbmcvfs.translatePath
The other one in there about "ListItem.setInfo() is deprecated" is just a warning at this point (though it can fill a log with warnings).

scott s.

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