Error CAudioDecoder: Unable to Init Codec while loading file
I have a music playback error that is affecting my android device running Kodi Nexus 20.0. It seems quite specific. I can playback songs fine directly from the library via the GUI, but I have a widget collecting the ten most-played songs by a given artist in the musicinformation window. Playback of these files is done using a script, which builds a playlist via the json call Playlist.Add, then starts playback via the json call Player.Open. The thing is my log seems to suggest that is all working fine. Alll the json responses are 'OK'. The songs are correctly identified and queued. But playback fails. It then gets stuck in a loop trying to play each file in the playlist until Kodi crashes.

Here is my full debug log.

Does anyone have any ideas? Sample of the error lines:


2023-02-08 20:44:40.486 T:9844    error <general>: Init: Error opening file musicdb://songs/23.flac
2023-02-08 20:44:40.486 T:9844    error <general>: CAudioDecoder: Unable to Init Codec while loading file musicdb://songs/23.flac
2023-02-08 20:44:40.486 T:9844  warning <general>: PAPlayer::QueueNextFileEx - Failed to create the decoder
2023-02-08 20:44:40.729 T:9811    error <general>: Init: Error opening file musicdb://songs/11.flac
2023-02-08 20:44:40.729 T:9811    error <general>: CAudioDecoder: Unable to Init Codec while loading file musicdb://songs/11.flac
2023-02-08 20:44:40.730 T:9811  warning <general>: PAPlayer::QueueNextFileEx - Failed to create the decoder
2023-02-08 20:44:40.992 T:9811    error <general>: Init: Error opening file musicdb://songs/17.flac
2023-02-08 20:44:40.993 T:9811    error <general>: CAudioDecoder: Unable to Init Codec while loading file musicdb://songs/17.flac
2023-02-08 20:44:40.993 T:9811  warning <general>: PAPlayer::QueueNextFileEx - Failed to create the decoder

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Error CAudioDecoder: Unable to Init Codec while loading file0